Digital Dentistry

Digital dentistry is a technology that provides complete use of computers in the measurement, design and production stages of the operations on the teeth. Thanks to these processes, the measurements taken and the production processes are made very precisely in millimeters. This dentistry treatment method, which is becoming more and more widespread in Turkey, is applied in ATA PERA Dental Center. You can visit our dental center at any time for digital dentistry treatments.

What is Digital Dentistry?

The subject of what is digital dentistry and exactly how it includes procedures has started to be wondered a lot in recent years. In digital dentistry, unlike classical dentistry, the procedures are not done manually, but completely in the computer environment. An average of 10-14 days is required for procedures such as measuring, modeling and production, which are normally required in dentistry.

Despite all this time spent on these, millimetric measurement and production errors still occur. Thus, preferring traditional methods causes a waste of time.

With digital dentistry, this process is completed in a shorter time and the margin of error is almost non-existent. In addition to these, there are many other advantages that the treatment provides you.

ATA PERA Dental Center it is one of the dental centers that offers the best service in this field with its 25 years of experience.

Advantages of
Digital Dentistry

Digital dentistry is an application that provides extremely important advantages in dental treatments today. Many dental centers have now started to switch to this system. In our center, “3-Shape”, the latest technology digital scanning system, is used. The advantages of this treatment method, which is preferred by both patients and dentists, are as follows:

Thanks to 3-Shape:

– The negative of the teeth prepared for fixed restoration using precision cameras is transferred to the computer environment with zero error.

– Thus, a much more detailed digital image is obtained compared to the measurement taken with the traditional ‘measuring material-spoon’.

– Information about the face, mouth and teeth of our patients is accurately measured and analyzed, and it is possible for our patients to participate in their own treatment designs.

– High aesthetic results are provided by minimizing the number of sessions.

– Treatment opportunities with maximum patient comfort are obtained.

– In this way, sensitivities related to the impression material and measurement technique are eliminated, and the treatment of our patients with nausea reflex and uncomfortable with the placement of the spoon in their mouths becomes easier.

– The negative effects of numerous external factors are eliminated.

Transactions in
Digital Dentistry

We can count many traditional dental treatment methods among digital dentistry applications. Many methods applied in traditional dentistry are also successfully applied in digital dentistry. These operations are:


The digital measurement process is the results obtained by the simultaneous operation of the computer system and the camera. The pen-shaped camera takes the necessary measurements in the mouth and these measurements are transferred to the computer environment. Since the images are saved, it is possible to access these images again later. While it is extremely uncomfortable to take measurements with classical methods, it is possible to take measurements with this method both more comfortably and with high precision. In dentistry, digital measurement provides a great convenience and creates an important advantage for you.


Smile design, which forms the basis of aesthetic dentistry, is extremely important. In digital dentistry, smile design is made digitally to understand whether the expectations of the patient will be met. We can say that smile design is the meeting of art and technology. In digital dentistry, intraoral scans of people are made and two images are superimposed with the photographs taken. With the program, arrangements and design are made on the desired image.

3 Dimension Printers
3D Printer

3 Dimension Printers (3D Printer) It is the process of transferring the measurements taken in digital dentistry to a three-dimensional printer. The models obtained from the printer are unbreakable and the micron levels are also extremely sensitive. There is no deformation in the models created in this way. In classically obtained models, plaster is used. This causes the models to break and cannot be removed. In three-dimensional printers, modeling is done in a healthy way and plaque, orthodontic treatments and bridges are obtained.


The stage expressed as Cad-Cam is production. At the stage called Cam, the materials to be produced are designed through design programs and experienced technicians who are experts in their fields take charge. After a detailed study, the production phase of the designs is started. With digital dentistry, many procedures that cause problems in dental treatments are completed in a short time.

You can also visit ATA PERA Dental Centerr for digital dentistry applications and get an experience for the treatment methods you want.


ATA PERA Dental Center is providing service in Taksim, the center of Istanbul, since 1999.

It has become a leading brand in its sector by providing uninterrupted service with international quality standards and unconditional patient satisfaction. It is one of the dental center that offers the best service in this field with its twenty-five years of experience.

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