Il s’agit d’une branche de la science utilisée pour le diagnostic et le traitement des troubles des dents, du visage et de la mâchoire. Les traitements orthodontiques sont appliqués pour soutenir le développement de la mâchoire et maintenir les dents dans la bonne position, en particulier chez les jeunes enfants. Chez les adultes, il s’agit d’une méthode de traitement utilisée pour réparer les irrégularités de fermeture, l’encombrement et les troubles de la zone de la mâchoire. Les traitements orthodontiques constituent l’un des domaines les plus importants de la dentisterie.
Qu’est-ce que l’orthodontie ?
Qu’est-ce que l’orthodontie et qu’est-ce que c’est exactement qu’une option de traitement utilisée pour traiter les problèmes, examinons-le ensemble. L’orthodontie est une branche qui étudie la détection, le traitement et la prévention des troubles de la mâchoire, du visage et des dents. Cette forme de traitement, qui s’applique aussi bien aux enfants qu’aux adultes, permet d’obtenir une structure buccale plus saine.
Grâce aux traitements orthodontiques, la personne aura des dents saines et impressionnantes qui resteront longtemps dans sa bouche.
L’orthodontie collabore également avec d’autres branches de l’odontologie dans le traitement des troubles congénitaux du visage et des mâchoires. L’objectif principal du traitement est de corriger les dents tordues et mal assorties et de prendre les précautions nécessaires.
ATA PERA Dental Center est l’un des centres dentaires qui offre le meilleur service dans ce domaine avec ses 25 ans d’expérience.
There are many problems expressed as orthodontic problems. Since the causes of each of these are different, the treatment methods applied are also different. The most important known orthodontic problems and their treatments are as follows:
• Crowding: It occurs when the jaw and tooth structures are incompatible in terms of size. Appropriate treatment is performed according to the size of the crowding.
• Rotation Teeth (Faced Teeth): In this orthodontic problem, the teeth take up more space in the dental arch. This type of teeth must be treated appropriately as it causes crowding.
• Intermittent Teeth: Intermittent teeth both look bad and can damage other teeth. This orthodontic problem can be seen in all teeth, especially anterior teeth.
• Closure Disorders: These are orthodontic problems in the closure of the teeth. Closing disorders need to be treated appropriately according to their cause.
• Impacted Teeth: These teeth, which are stuck between the bone and soft tissue and are not located in the oral cavity, are either extracted or treated with orthodontic treatments.
• Missing Teeth: Tooth deficiencies, especially due to congenital causes, are among the orthodontic problems.
• Advanced Jaw Condition: It is one of the most common problems among orthodontic jaw problems. If the chin is further than it should be, extraoral appliances are used.
• Jaw Stenosis: Jaw stenosis, which also has an important place among orthodontic problems, causes problems such as overlapping teeth if not treated.
• Prosthesis Problems: Problems and malfunctions in previously made dentures are also orthodontic problems and must be treated.
• Cleft Palate – Lip: This postpartum disorder can be treated starting from the age of seven. With the orthodontic treatments, it is ensured that the lip regains its normal form.
People who work as orthodontists undertake this type of treatment. People who specialize in this field after graduating from the Faculty of Medicine or the Faculty of Dentistry are called orthodontists. In cases where help is required in the field of orthodontics, it is necessary to work with experts and experienced people in the field. ATA PERA Dental Center has doctors who are experts and experienced in their fields. You can choose for Orthodontic treatment with peace of mind and visit our clinic from all over the world.
Orthodontic prices vary according to the applications to be made, as the treatments are planned individually. Pricing varies according to the way people will follow the orthodontic health problems they have experienced and how to treat them. For more information about pricing and the procedures to be performed, you can visit our clinic and have a detailed oral, jaw and dental examination first.